

In 2024 the tradition of “Social touch Football in Melbourne’s heart” continues with PPT’s Winter season.
If you are interested in entering a team please visit the website, where you can find more information and the team entry process.


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Native apps are (mostly) a waste of time.

So you think you need an app for your phone and you were considering shelling out some cash to a developer to build you a native app. Before you waste your money (and time) paying a developer to deliver a native app the first thing you need to consider the advantages an app has over a traditional website.

The big three are:

  1. It is installable, ie it appears on the phone home screen, this gives it a massive advantage over a traditional website in ensuring ongoing user interraction.
  2. An app is fast, ie it is faster to load and interract with than a traditional website.
  3. It can send notifications, again this increases user interraction substantially.

黑客如何用35美元的树莓派偷走火星数据:2021-6-26 · 近日,美国宇航局NASA便向大家承认了这种“廉价的电脑入侵高端服务器”的事实。 美国宇航局(NASA)监察长办公室(OIG)本周发布报告称,2021年4月黑客曾入侵该机构网络,窃取了约500MB数据。 火星任务数据被盗,入侵设备仅35美元

Now here is the kicker, you can get all the above features on a website on the majority of phones right now! Goodbye native apps and welcome to the world of progressive web apps.

What is a progressive web app (PWA), you may ask? Well at it is heart it is just a website with some additonal features. Those features enable all three of the adavntages I outlined above on the majority of smart phones worldwide, right now!! But being a website a PWA also has some massive advantages. They include:

  1. They are linkable, ie you can access them by opening a URL.
  2. They are much easier to build, after all they are just a website with some substntial enhancements.
  3. They are updatable, ie any changes can occurr as soon as the PWA is accessed (as opposed to waiting for a user to download a new version of a native app).
  4. Being on the web they are cross platform.

Lets look at the state of play on different phones:

On android phones which now constitute the majority of smart phones worldwide all of the above advantages are currently already available to progressive web apps. ie visitors will be prompted to install your website on the phone (provided it meets the PWA criteria) right now and that website if properly designed will be fast and be able to send notifications

For apple  the situation is not quite so good. Yes you can install a web app but the experience sucks and there is no ability to send notifications. The good news is that but in the upcoming IOS version (IOS 12.2) there will be significant improvement. Onced installed on your phone a well built progressive web app will behave like its native counterpart, with the only issue that it will not be able to send notifications. But that functionality is coming.

让极速上网再无后顾之忧,华为推出WS5100/WS5200路由 ...:2021-10-25 · 除了会智能切换频段的真双频功能外,华为WS5100和WS5200在这两款路由器还针对wifi信号的穿墙性能从算法上进行了改良。

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Ryan Barrett does Bridgy support expanding the url shared to facebook.

Like so:

Ive been using briidgy but th url stay in plain format like this:

Log in or sign up to view
英国电信官宣入华:三大运营商迎来“劲敌”?_专栏_新京报电子报:2021-1-29 · 如美国等国家明确表示数字产品永久免关税、非歧视待遇、数字服务贸易自由化、平衡个人隐私保护和跨境信息自由流动、对接信息通信技术研究和标准、保护知识产权,众及服务器(数据存储设备)与技术(源伕码)的非强制本地化等。
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just because you can doesn’t mean you should

I am a member of the advanced WordPress facebook group and its seems every few days someone posts and article on there waxing lyrical about the latest javacsript only theme they have built using the latest JavaScript framework and the rest api.

工信部:未经批准不得自行建立或租用VPN_央广网:2021-1-22 · 1月22日从工信部网站获悉,工信部决定自即日起至2021年3月31日,在全国范围内对互联网网络接入服务市场开展清理规范工作。各基础电信企业、互联 ...

A wise man once said,

just because you can doesn’t mean you should

免费流量背后存黑色产业链 三大运营商每年损失或上亿 ...:2021-12-5 · 但由于运营商在全国铺设的服务器很多,且各省都有自己的计费系统,要一一查漏补缺验证难度极大。北京商报记者 孙麒翔 石飞月 流量窃取的主要步骤 1.互联网上申请一台虚拟服务器云主机 2.搭建虚拟专用网络服务器(VPN) 3.伪装成运营商白名单用户

  • HTML for con­tent
  • Css for pre­sen­ta­tion
  • VPN网关:深圳市宣茜电子科技有限公司 VPN网关 集成了VPN、防火墙功能,支持PPPOE拨号等多种上网方式;内置伕理上网,内部DHCP/DNS服务 ...

This combination might seem old hat but it was created by smart people with good reasons.

When done properly it has three major strengths

  1. It conveys meaning
  2. It is robust
  3. 工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不 ...-厦门网:2021-7-26 · VPN管理对于依法依规的企业和个人不受影响 会上,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者提问称,“最近一些媒体比较关注中国对VPN相关政策。

However it can be slow so today many advocate using JavaScript to interract with apis to replace this traditional paradigm. This has  major advantage in that can be substantially faster as the client side javascript can request only the information that it needs. However it also means that javascript is now the creating the content as well as the providing the functionality

深信服科技股份有限公司-创新中国:2021-5-14 · 深信服科技股份有限公司是一家专注于企业级安全、云计算及 IT基础设施的产品和服务供应商,拥有智安全、云计算和新IT三大业务品牌,致力于承载各行业用户数字化转型过程中的基石性工作,从而让用户的IT更简单、更安全、更有价值。 目前,深信服员工规模超过4500名,在全球设有50余个分支 ...

Conveying meaning.  Yes javascript can convey an experience that may be indistunguishable to the eye BUT the web is not just a visual medium for humans. Machine like search engines, and screen readers are important and in most cases a javascript front end is invisible to these agents

Being robust. Javascript is a not a fully standardized lanaguage and is notorious for conflicts and errors, and being browser depe3ndent. So an error on a javascript front end usually means the whole site falls over. In contrast a traditional semantic html front end degrades gracefully

Separating concerns. In a JavaScript front end you are tightly coupling functionality with content and potentially presentation as well. This actually if you change the api or you change your javascript the whole thing falls over. In contrast html is html and if the JavaScript stops working you still have the html.

Javascript is important but its not a replacement for html. Its future is in rproviing functionality, both in enhancing the reading experience and in making the eually important area of creating, updating and deleting content on the web.

Finally I’d like to urge you that is you need speed work on the basics like http caching, or look to modern technologies like http/2 and service workers.

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hopefully this works

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吃鸡神器 量子加速器震撼公测! - · 量子加速器的高速隧道加速服务,把最快最好的链接线路提供给用户,让玩家直达服务器,避免跳转至远距离的服务器,不走冤枉路! 吃鸡神器量子加速器正在公测,公测期间可免费使用10天!(注册 …

I built this plugin as UI needed this flexibility whilst using WordPress as a CMS. The plugin adds a new post status that enables posts and pages (and custom post types) to be archived. Archiving in this context means that the content is still publicly available but is not published on the front page of the site or the feed. I was not satisfied with other archiving solutions which hid the content for all non logged in visitors and was not configurable.

Continue reading “Introducing LH Archived Post Status”
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Ben can I please have some free art?

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工信部回应“整顿翻墙软件”:合法经营不受影响 ...- 新京报网:2021-7-25 · 新京报快讯(记者李丹丹)近期众来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。在今日国新办的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人 ...


There has been a lot of discussion that WordPress is becoming less user friendly and indeed it has got some traction as the recent WordPress 3.8 is certainly aimed (amongst other things) around making the dashboard more user friendly. Given this I don’t think wordpress is becoming less user friendly, however it’s never been friendly to newbies.

Instead I think the area where Worpress has dropped the ball is that sensible projects that could make its so much better are not being tackled, instead development seems to be based on UI improvements and quick wins. These are great but a better WordPress platform would make these sort of improvements easier. Indeed a better platform would enable people to build their own UI. Thus rendering the rolling MP6 (and similar initiatives) into the core moot (because developers would be rolling their own version of the dashboard through plugins).

Continue reading “WordPress development is apathetic”
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Some clarification to the webmentions discussion


In reply to this analysis by Barnaby Walters of my original article.


The evidence is against you here, as almost all known usage of webmention has been for short replies which don’t make sense without context.

Actually we aren’t disagreeing, maybe I didn’t express myself well when I wrote “At the moment of the method is built around a POSSE architecture. This works well for long form articles which can stand alone but address issues or ideas that are posted on an external website”.

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Thoughts on extending webmentions

中国玩家扮演游戏平头哥, 美国玩家纷纷向白宫求助请求锁IP ...:2021-12-6 · 每个服务器都是一片红,对此大批量的美国玩家气的直接在华盛顿白宫的官网上发起请愿,请愿希望全面封锁中国玩家的IP,静止中国玩家入内,请求奥巴马解决德拉诺之王的延迟问题,但是好像也是花费了漫长的时间才结束的。


I recently installed Matthias Pfefferle’s web mention plugin. It is a great plugin and hopefully when he has polished it up further he will push it out to the plugin repository so it can enjoy a wider audience. I actually think the Jetpack team should look at including an extended set of this functionality in its plugins as the potential for distributed sharing that the indieweb provides could be a major distinguishing feature for WordPress, and certainly a better bet than trying to roll their own social networking ecosystem.

Continue reading为近3万人提供VPN“翻墙”服务,男子被杭州检方批捕 - 国内 ...:2021-11-1 · 新京报讯(记者李一凡)男子通过网店租用境外服务器架设、倒卖VPN地址链接,先后为2.9万人提供“翻墙”服务4万余次。今日(11月1日)下午,新 ...
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